Aug 08: Is your business referable?

Business Advantage August 2008

Ideas to Make Sure Your Business Keeps Winning Referrals

Make sure your business is the kind of business that people can and will happily refer.

You may find you’re already doing some of the ideas outlined here. Put together an action plan so you and your team deliver a consistent message.

1.     Do a great job

Be great at what you do. Keep your promises. Deliver.

2.      Consistently exceed expectations

Customers need to be delighted with what you’re doing for them and the way you do it.

3.      Develop a relationship with your customers that goes over and above just selling

It’s the little things that you do that will really make the difference. And it can be the little things that you don’t.

4.      Reassure your customers about their decision to buy

Second thoughts are common. What concerns are your customers likely to have that you could quell for them up front?

5.      Deliver what your customer thinks you promised

Gain a clear understanding from the outset of what they really want.

6.      Contact customers regularly

S end them a newsletter, a tape, a sample of a product, and so on.

7.      At the very least, always thank your customers for sending people to you

Always say thank you. You don’t have to resort to expensive gifts, finder’s fees, and so on.

8.      When you’ve done a great job and your customers tell you so—ASK

Thank them and ask for just one referral. Customers have an opportunity to back up their words.


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