
Accounting Home Page

Take advantage of our extensive experience in Accounting for small to medium business. ANY SOFTWARE APPLICATION ITS YOUR CHOICE, any cloud based platform is our specialty or desk top software we have had experience with any and all software for decadescheck out our fixed fee plans to suit you

Our Accounting services are solely dedicated to helping small to medium businesses with all the paperwork and forms that are needed. It is not just year end but throughout the entire year. We are committed to assist you with the myriad of compliance and regulatory requirements that have to be dealt with.

Income tax, company secretarial, land tax, payroll tax, FBT, superannuation, PAYG, whatever it is, we can help. You decide what you want to do yourself, and what you want assistance with.

What sets us apart from other accountants?
It's our fundamentally different approach. We don't see our role as just preparing returns & forms. We see it as

  • seeking to understand what the client wants, - and not assuming;
  • working with our clients to deliver on time and on budget.

So we're client-oriented, not return-oriented. We're focused on applying the services we offer to you and your needs. The end result is happy clients, and the returns & forms are part of how we achieve that.

The ethics and values that drive us are simple. It's all about applying integrity and professionalism to understanding what our clients want.

Our focus is on you - and what if you want more than year end accounting? Need more tax-oriented advice? Talk to us with our Tax Advantage hat on for tax planning strategies.  Need business advice or growth strategies? We are the Business Advantage and can help you Grow and manage your business.  As the Accounts Advantage we are ready to assist with your all bookkeeping needs. Rest assured we are Crown Accounting here for your advantage.

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Need Bookkeeping?

Our bookkeeping advantage is a complete standalone web-based bookkeeping service, not  just data entry. 

  • Everything up & including lodgement of your BAS.
  • Monthly reports to help you monitor your business.
  • Easy to use systems
  • Fixed Fees & Guarantee! 

More details   here

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